Dunia Menjadi-jadi!!


apalah yg t'jd dgn dunia kta skrng.
mcm2 kejadian yg x sepatutnya b'laku stiap hr.
entah kenapa org tfkir melakukan perbuatan bodoh yg hanya akan merugikan diri sndiri.
mgkn utk keseronokan, utk mhilangkan rasa bosan atau jga mgkn org tu gila or bekas pesakit mental yg blm pulih sepenuhnya..

susa sgt ka utk b'fikir bahawa perbuatan bunuh membunuh ni perkara yg pling dilarang selain merogol, mencuri, mengintai, membuang bayi or apa2 ja yg dilarang oleh agama kita.
tabiat ka apa smpai membunuh pun bknnya stu, malah smpai 4-5 org.
itu perbuatan org normal ka?
setahu sya itu perbuatan org yg x berotak.
binatang pun sygkan nyawa apatah lg kta yg diberikan otak utk b'fikir.
tlng la. apa perasaan org tu if family sndiri d bunuh or d perlakukan mcm org x berperasaan.
habit ka apa?
harap la mereka yg menjadikn perbuatan keji ini sbg hobi dpt b'fikir dan insaf sblm ajal yg lebih dasyat menimpa diri sndiri.
so, apa nak di kata.
lu fikir la sndiri.

p/s: gunakan otak sblm melakukan sesuatu.

It Hurts

You say you're confused

You do or you don't

And it hurts

You say it may change

It will or it won't

And it hurts

You say we'll be fine

We shall or we shan't

And it hurts

You say you're worth trust

I can or I can't

And it hurts

They tell me to change

I don't and I fail

Cause it hurts

They tell me to work

I won't and I fail

Cause it hurts

They tell me to trust

I shan't and I fail

Cause it hurts

They tell me to smile

I can't and I fail

Cause it hurts

You tell me to smile

I try and I do

But it hurts

You tell me to trust

I try and I will

But it hurts

You tell me to work

I try and I shall

But it hurts

You tell me to change

I try and I can

But it hurts

You Made Me Cry

You made me cry...

You tore me apart..

You left me in tears..

You've shattered my heart..

It wasn't your fault..

I guess it was me..

for love can't be forced..

Perhaps we weren't meant to be..

It still doesn't help..

now that i know..

Because for some reason..

my heart won't let go..

I've tried more than once..

to get over you..

but you make it so hard..

with cute things you do..

I thought love was joy..

but i've got nothing to gain..

just sorrows..,tears..

and a little more pain..

The day the pain started ..

reality came too..

It was the day i realized ..

......I'LL NEVER BE WITH YOU.......

"Forgive Me"

Can you forgive me again?
I don't know what I said
But I didn't mean to hurt you

I heard the words come out
I felt that I would die
It hurt so much to hurt you

Then you look at me
You're not shouting anymore
You're silently broken

I'd give anything now
to kill those words for you

Each time I say something I regret I cry "I don't want to lose you."
But somehow I know that you will never leave me.

'Cause you were made for me
Somehow I'll make you see
How happy you make me

I can't live this life
Without you by my side
I need you to survive

So stay with me
You look in my eyes and I'm screaming inside that I'm sorry.

And you forgive me again
You're my one true friend
And I never meant to hurt you


i was waiting for one whole day and this is what i get. so pathetic. im sad.MySpace